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County coat of arms for Vestland

Vestland county


651,299 citizens


33,871 km2

On this page we have collected data and information that is intended as a starting point for assessing how the county is affected by climate risk. Scroll down to see how greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, investments and business structure may affect the climate risk Vestland is exposed to.

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Climate risk in Vestland

Greenhouse gas emissions per capita:
10 tonnes of CO2eq
Largest source of emissions:
Industry, oil and gas
Projects with green funding from KBN:
1 project
Emissions avoided and reduced from projects:
6 tonnes CO2eq
Important industries in the county that may be exposed to climate risk:
Retail trade
Measures to reduce car traffic can affect the location of shopping malls. The transition to a circular economy and increased recycling can affect consumer behaviour.
Land and pipeline transport
An increase in extreme weather can lead to an increase in wear and tear, the extent of damage to transport infrastructure and traffic disruptions. Tolls, road pricing and zero-emission zones can affect profitability.
Oil and mining support services
Both extreme weather, changes in requirements specifications and any lower activity in the oil and gas sector can affect the demand for specialized services.

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Emissions within the county

6,538,030 tonnes of CO2eq

Change in the previous year

Synkende -3.9 %

Emissions per citizen

10 tonnes of CO2eq

Industrial emissions in Vestland

Some firms are required to report indicators to the Norwegian Environment Agency, because the firm is associated with large emissions and/or a large environmental risk. Reported indicators include annual emissions, production volume, consumption of energy, and amounts of waste and hazardous waste produced. The table shows emissions from businesses obliged to report in Vestland for the year of 2022.

The emissions are included in the county's overall emission accounts.

Note that only emissions from activities defined as industry are shown in the table. Emissions from offshore operations, sewage treatment plants and landfills are therefore not shown here.

Data retrieved

Sea level rise and storm surge in Vestland

For coastal communities, sea level rise can be a source of climate risk. This section shows the extent of buildings, roads and areas in the county that may be flooded in 2090, and which are vulnerable to storm surges today and in 2090, respectively. For future sea level rise, the upper bounds of scenario RCP 8.5 is applied. This is a scenario developed in the context of the IPCCs fifth assessment report, and represents a scenario with high emissions, without effective policies to reduce emissions. This is the scenario used by the Norwegian Mapping Authority and recommended for planning by the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB).

Estimated sea level rise per 2090

Sea level rise: Least in county

55 cm

Sea level rise: Largest in county

74 cm

Flooded areas at medium tides in 2090


27,424 pcs


41.6 km


49.8 km2

Storm surge today and in 2090

Flooded areas at 200-year storm surge now


34,322 pcs


80.2 km


69.4 km2

Flooded areas at 200-year storm surge in 2090


40,591 pcs


202.6 km


99.6 km2

The figures are aggregated numbers for coastal municipalities in Vestland. 

Green projects in municipalities in Vestland

The list shows projects financed with KBNs green loans. From the drop-down menu you can toggle between the county's own projects and projects initiated by municipalities within Vestland.

Number of green projects:
Total debt green loans:
0 billion
Emissions annually avoided + reduced from projects:

KBN offers green loans with reduced interest rates to projects with clear climate- and environmental ambitions. These loans are financed with green bonds.

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Climate risk for industries essential to Vestland

We have listed the industries that employ the most people in the municipality and that we believe may be affected by climate risk. The questions in the table are intended as a starting point for dialogue with the local business community. We have tried to indicate the degree of severity at an overall level but recommend that you make a separate assessment based on the local context.

The sample is based on Statistics Norway's statistics on employment by place of residence (table 08536). You can learn more about how we have selected the industries in the methodology note.